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The Relationship Between Diet Culture & Eating Disorders: How Our Environment Shapes Our Body Image
Photo by Chris Jarvis Ever notice how, while cooking a meal, the ingredients in the pot tend to take on the flavors of those around them?...
Challenging Fitness Rules with the EDIT™ Method
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash Eating disorders thrive on black-and-white rules: do/don’t, good/bad, should/shouldn’t. While many of...
Challenge Your Body Ideals: How to Love The Body You Have
Whether or not you realize it, you likely have a picture of the “ideal body” living in the back of your mind. Even if we would never hold...
The True Cost of Weight Loss: How Caloric Restriction Impacts Your Whole Self
Because of your eating disorder, how many times have you… ● Stayed home from an important social event (and later regretted it),...
Four Aspects of the True Self: Who You Really Are Beneath the Eating Disorder!
Spoiler alert: your eating disorder is not who you really are! Sure, ED thoughts and behaviors take up a lot of space in our brains –...
How to Navigate Food & Stress During Major Life Transitions with the EDIT™ Method
We all go through life changes -- big and small; good and bad. Major transitions like starting a new job, going away to college, or...
Recovering from Eating Disorders Using the EDIT™ Method: Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy
If "traditional" treatment hasn't helped you or your loved one fully overcome an eating disorder, then you're not alone. Evidence-based...
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