With EDITâ„¢ Certified Recovery Coach Nikki DuBose
Together, we'll uncover the life you've always wanted to have. A life recovered from eating disorders and chronic dieting. A life full of passion and purpose!
Are you ready to live life free of your Eating Disorder and dieting challenges?
I know I was. In 2013, I finally broke free of my relationship with "ED," and married into a happy and healthy life with Intuitive Eating and Intuitive Living. As your EDIT™ Certified Recovery Coach, my mission is to help you have that same happy marriage with your intuition, too. I'll help you unlock your Intuitive Therapist (IT) within, guiding you to a place of complete freedom from eating disorders and dieting behaviors.

My Training
My education is a blend of life experience and formal training. I am a recovered individual of a seventeen year eating disorder and co-occurring issues. My main career since 2008 has been in modeling, where I've had the fortune to travel the world and work with passionate, creative people. I retired after ten years and recently started modeling after realizing that my intuition was leading me down that road again (follow your intuition, it will never steer you wrong :)). Now, however, I am able to do what I love and enjoy peace with my body and with food! I am a Clinical Psychology Psy.D. student at Meridian University, and I have a B.A. in psychology with honors from California Southern University. I am certified as an Intuitive Therapy Recovery Coach (Levels I-IV) through Dr. Dorie McCubbrey, PhD, MSEd, LPC, LAC, CEDS extensive training program (find out about her program here).
Furthermore, I have written and contributed to four books on mental health and trauma, and have appeared on dozens on television shows and podcasts where I have spoken about my eating disorder recovery. My articles on mental health and eating disorders have appeared in The Huffington Post, People, The LA Times, and more. To see a full list of my training, please visit the "My Training" page.

Connect with me!
Based in California, I offer evidenced-based, one-on-one, Zoom recovery coaching for adults 18 +. I specialize in helping women in the entertainment industry who struggle to find peace with their bodies and food, as well as those looking to transition between post-treatment and living at home.
Please note, I am currently not taking on any new clients. Please contact me if you would like to be added to the wait list. I am also happy to give you additional resources and referrals. I hope to hear from you soon!